Calling volunteers for Meals on Wheels

Published in The Wynyard Pulse - March Edition

Meals and Wheels has been helping people in the region for nearly 30 years and the 15 current volunteers service a client base of between 80 and 90 people.

The Pulse spoke with one of the-Wynyard coordinators, Debra Cadwallender, about the vital work they do helping people with food security and nutrition.

“The biggest challenge is to get the meals to the clients and we definitely need people that can regularly volunteer to get the meals out. On average we deliver between 50 and 60 meals per day between Somerset and Wynyard,” Debra said.

Time commitments for volunteers are normally 9am to 1pm and volunteers can give as much or as little as they can.

“We appreciate any time they have available for it,” Debra said.

Meals on Wheels is primarily funded by the Australian Government via the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), with a smaller percentage of funding coming from the Tasmanian Department of Health.

To receive Meals on Wheels at a subsidised cost through the CHSP contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to arrange an assessment. If you require the Meals on Wheels service urgently, your My Aged

Care assessment can occur after the service has commenced.

Meals on Wheels is not just for aged clients and anyone can access the service if they need it.

The Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACCYP) is subsidised by the State Government. To receive the subsidised service for HACCPYP, you will need to contact Meals on Wheels on 1800 696 325.

Every effort is made to keep meals as affordable as possible and the most clients will pay for a main meal in Tasmania (without the government subsidy) is $12.10 per delivered meal. Clients can have all or just some of their food requirements met by Meals on Wheels as the service is flexible. The majority of Meals on Wheels services across Tasmania offer soup, sandwiches, a choice of five main courses, including salads, gluten-free and vegetarian options, dessert and fresh fruit.

Phone Debra and her team on 6272 0887 or 0428 924 752 to volunteer or to get your meals delivered.