Meals on Wheels Tasmania is the peak state body, representing the community of grassroots services across Tasmania dedicated to the wellbeing, connection and independence of our most vulnerable.
As the peak state body, we work closely with Meals on Wheels Australia advocating on behalf of the sector about the issues that truly matter and helping leverage the power of our collective voices to the Federal Government and other key policy and decision-makers.
Meals on Wheels Tasmania accepts applications from both corporate members and individual members.
To become a member, please contact today.
Your application for membership will be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Board of Governance and you will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible and an invoice for payment will be sent to you.
Thank you to our Corporate Partners for your ongoing support
At Meals on Wheels, we value the corporate partnerships that we have established. These partnerships allow us to support our clients through the donation of goods and services. We thank our Corporate Partners for their continuous support.
If you are interested in supporting our iconic Australian charity and making a difference in your local community, please reach out to us by completing the form below.