Every effort is made to keep meals as affordable as possible, particularly as many of our customers are receiving support from a government-funded program or experiencing food insecurity.

The most you will pay for a main meal in Tasmania (without the government subsidy) is $12.10 per delivered meal. If you need further information, you can contact our office on 1800 MY MEAL (1800 696 325).

Meals on Wheels is primarily funded by the Australian Government via the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), with a smaller percentage of funding coming from the Tasmanian Department of Health. To receive Meals on Wheels at a subsidised cost through the CHSP, you must contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to arrange an assessment. If you require the Meals on Wheels service urgently, your My Aged Care assessment can occur after the service has commenced.

The Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACCYP) is subsidised by the State Government. To receive the subsidised service for HACCPYP, you will need to contact Meals on Wheels on 1800 696 325.

The majority of services across Tasmania offer soup, sandwiches, a choice of five main courses, including salads, gluten-free and vegetarian options, dessert and fresh fruit. Some of the more remote areas such as Smithton, St Helens and Fingal are not able to offer multiple choices.

The frequency of meal delivery is based on your location, along with an assessment of your individual needs and support network. Some Meals on Wheels customers purchase meals short-term after an operation, medium term due to illness, or more long-term. You can receive meals two to three days a week, or five to seven days a week, depending on your needs and the delivery schedules of your local branch.

Meal delivery times vary from service to service. Most Meals on Wheels services deliver Monday to Friday (with weekend meals provided on the Friday).

Eligibility for subsidised meals will depend on your age and circumstances. Simply click here to view our pricing structure and fill out a client registration form.

Meals on Wheels services can be found in many communities around Tasmania. Where Meals on Wheels does not operate, a similar service is provided by Red Cross (Launceston area, West Coast and Burnie) Click here to find the contact details for the Meals on Wheels service operating near you.

Volunteering for Meals on Wheels is a rewarding experience and enables you to remain socially connected and engaged, while supporting vulnerable members of your community. Without the dedication and generosity of our volunteers and paid staff, our valuable work would not be possible.

Most volunteer roles with Meals on Wheels in Tasmania involve the delivering of meals. Local services are always on the look-out for new volunteers and staff members.

If you are interested in volunteering for Meals on Wheels, register your interest here and we will contact you for a meet and greet.

As a Meals on Wheels volunteer, you’ll play a pivotal role in delivering heartwarming meals to our customers, using your own car or teaming up with a delivery partner. If the allure of office work beckons, there are enticing opportunities to contribute at our vibrant head office, offering another avenue for your volunteering passion.

Upon the completion of your application process, a warm induction and relevant training await you at your local service. Dive into a supportive community where seasoned volunteers are eager to share their experiences and insights. Joining us means not just a volunteer role but a journey filled with new friendships, skill acquisition, and growing confidence. While there might be moments that present challenges, always remember that your involvement is genuinely making a difference every day.

Many Meals on Wheels services and communities hold social events to recognise the valuable contribution of volunteers.  

Meals on Wheels Tasmania is the peak state body, representing the community of grassroots services across Tasmania dedicated to the wellbeing, connection and independence of our most vulnerable.

We play an important role in developing and sharing best practice between the member services, along with promoting and raising awareness of Meals on Wheels and the customers we serve.

We offer a single point of contact between Meals on Wheels services, policy-makers, funders, regulators and other key stakeholders.

Meals on Wheels values your feedback, both positive and negative. If you have feedback to provide, or wish to make a complaint, please complete our feedback form or contact your local Branch Coordinator who will endeavour to resolve the issue immediately. If the issue cannot be resolved immediately it shall be passed onto your Regional Manager and you shall be contacted within five working days.

If your issue is not resolved at this level to your satisfaction, please contact the Meals on Wheels, Head Office on 1800 696 325. You are welcome to have a family member, friend or advocate assist you throughout the complaints process.

Meals on Wheels will attempt to resolve your complaint within 10 working days to your satisfaction. Where we are unable to make a change we will explain the reasons why to you, which may be due to legislation or meal provider restrictions.

If you remain unsatisfied with our attempts to resolve the issue you are entitled to make a complaint externally by contacting the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822 or online at www.agedcarequality.gov.au

If you are under 65 and wish to further a complaint, you can contact the Department of Health and Human Services on 1300 135 513 or online at www.dhhs.tas.gov.au