Anyone can register a client to start receiving Meals on Wheels including family members, friends, a Hospital, GP, Rehab Facility, Community Nurse, Dietitian, Law Enforcement Agency, etc. You can even register yourself. It is suggested that if you are eligible for a funding program such as a Home Care Package or Commonwealth Home Support Program, that you ask them about including meals as part of your nominated services before you contact us.
If you are unsure whether you are eligible for government-subsidised funding towards your meals, you can contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and ask them for a referral code to Meals on Wheels.
Please note, if you are an NDIS client you will need to contact us by phone (unless you are self-managed or plan-managed).
To start receiving Meals on Wheels please complete the following three forms:
- Client Registration Form
- Online Menu Selection
- Your Rights
Or call us on 1800 696 325. We are available to answer your questions between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. If calling a local Meals on Wheels service direct, please take into consideration that kitchens and administrative staff start early in the morning and therefore by approximately 1:00pm most centres will have signed off for the day.
NB we do not service the Burnie, Launceston or the West Coast area, please contact Red Cross Meals on Wheels If you live in these areas.
"*" indicates required fields
Scroll down to complete the online menu below.
Once we receive your client registration form and your completed menu, we anticipate that you will start receiving your meals within 8 to 14 days. If you want to cancel or change your menu selection, we are required to give the kitchen an 8-day notice period. Contact us on 1800 696 325 if you require emergency provisions.
This is a 4-week rotating menu and only needs to be completed once. When week 4 has finished the menu will start again at week 1.
Some areas in Tasmania are serviced with a different menu selection, you can download these by clicking on the green links.
Dodges Ferry, Colebrook, Huon Valley, New Norfolk and Richmond, East Coast
We also provide a menu for those with gluten intolerances, please be aware that if you have Coeliac disease, menu items may contain traces of wheat, barley and rye.
Gluten free menu, Huon Valley GF, New Norfolk GF, Richmond GF, Dodges Ferry GF, Colebrook GF.
You can now complete our new Spring/Summer menu online. This menu will commence on the 2nd of September 2024.
"*" indicates required fields
Scroll down to complete the online menu below.
Once we receive your client registration form and your completed menu, we anticipate that you will start receiving your meals within 8 to 14 days. If you want to cancel or change your menu selection, we are required to give the kitchen a 7-day notice period. Contact us on 1800 696 325 if you require emergency provisions.
This is a 4-week rotating menu and only needs to be completed once. When week 4 has finished the menu will start again at week 1.
Some areas in Tasmania are serviced with a different menu selection, you can download these by clicking on the green links.
Dodges Ferry, Colebrook, Huon Valley, New Norfolk and Richmond, Railton and East Coast
We also provide a menu for those with gluten intolerances, please be aware that if you have Coeliac disease, menu items may contain traces of wheat, barley and rye.
You can now complete our new Winter/Autumn menu online. This menu will commence on the 3rd of March 2025.
"*" indicates required fields
The Charter of Aged Care Rights (the Charter) is a requirement of the Aged Care Act 1997. It describes your legislated rights as a consumer of a government-subsidised aged care service. These rights apply to all consumers, regardless of the type of care and services they receive.
Clients who choose not to sign the Charter will not be affected in any way, however a staff member will be happy to read the charter out over the phone to you, and sign on your behalf if you choose. There is also a video at the bottom of this page to assist you in understanding your rights.
Please complete the below form.
"*" indicates required fields
Apply for your My Aged Care (MAC) assessment here.
Before you can access government-subsidised aged care services for the first time, you need to apply for an assessment. Using the My Aged Care online application is quick and easy and will only take 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
It’s the same form to apply for all types of care and support – including help at home, short-term care, and care in an aged care home.
You can complete the application yourself or on behalf of a family member or friend.
There are three parts. The first checks you are eligible, the second captures your details, and the third confirms who the assessor should call to arrange the assessment.
If you have already had your assessment, please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and ask them for a referral code to Meals on Wheels.
Full Cost Recovery (FCR) – No Government Subsidy
What is it?
Anyone can access Meals on Wheels and pay the full cost recovery price. The following prices represent the most you will pay before accessing one of the following government subsidies.
Meal Prices – per course (without subsidy):
Soup $5.10
Main $13.00
Dessert $6.65
Sandwich $8.70
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
What is it?
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme is a federally funded program that helps senior Australians to access entry level support services to remain living independently and safely at home.
CHSP is designed to provide support services to people who have some difficulty performing activities of daily living without help due to functional limitations e.g., home help, meals transport etc.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible under the CHSP, clients must be over 65 or over 50 if of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, needing assistance and registered with My Aged Care (MAC).
Home and Community Care (HACC)
What is it?
The HACC program is a state government funded program that exists to support clients under 65 years of age with basic support services e.g., meals, transport.
Support with meals can be provided for a maximum of three times a week.
Home Care Packages (HCP)
What is it?
Home Care Packages are designed for those clients over 65, over 50 if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander,
with more complex needs.
There are four levels of Home Care Packages. Level 1 to cover only basic support through to Level 4 for
clients with complex care needs.
Eligibility criteria:
Eligibility for a home care package is assessed by My Aged Care.
HCP clients can receive assistance with the cost of the preparation and delivery of meals.
The client is invoiced monthly for the ingredients of the meal received.
Transition Care Package (TCP)
What is it?
Transition Care Packages are sometimes available to hospital patients upon discharge and can be available for up to 12 weeks. The TCP provider pays full cost for the meals – no charge to the client.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
What is it?
NDIS is available to people who have a lifelong, debilitating illness or disability.
Eligibility criteria:
Eligibility for NDIS is assessed by NDIS and can be a long and onerous process with very structured criteria.
NDIS clients can receive assistance with the cost of the preparation and delivery of meals provided that it is
built into their care plan and the client is self-managed, or plan managed.
The client is invoiced monthly for the ingredients of the meal received.